On the Blog

Thoughts from a Black Millennial Therapist

Thoughts from a Black Millennial Therapist

I knew I wanted to be a therapist when I felt a sense of safety and comfort from those around me who shared things in confidence. I took pride in being the friend who was a good listener. I also wanted to be what I did not have and that was an outlet to release how I was feeling. Specifically growing up in the Black community, seeking therapy was deemed for people who are “crazy”. It was also looked at as a negative or taboo thing to share your “business” with a stranger. Black families often...

Completing the Stress Cycle

Completing the Stress Cycle

Maybe you’ve heard of the book, The Body Keeps the Score. In this book Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk does a wonderful job explaining how our bodies “hold” experiences which we may feel we have forgotten. But then a certain smell or touch suddenly affects us in surprising ways. We may feel transported to a time we wish we had forgotten. Or, we may not be sure why we are all of a sudden feeling anxious. Either way, our bodies are capable of remembering these sensory experiences in ways that have...

Redefining Toughness: A Thought on Men’s Mental Health

Redefining Toughness: A Thought on Men’s Mental Health

“Man up!”   We’ve all heard this phrase, again and again.    Most of the time, it’s coming out of the mouth of someone telling you “Do what needs to be done.”   So that’s what you do. You push everything to the side and take care of business. All those messy emotions and feelings are for someone else, not for you. You don’t have time to deal with all that. You’ve got work to do.    What’s the problem? At the end of the day, everything got done and everyone else got taken...

Couples Communication Tips: Building a Strong Foundation

Couples Communication Tips: Building a Strong Foundation

Relationships are hard work. You hear that over and over again but really how do you actually actively put in the work? It is challenging  to get actual direction in what needs to be done in order to communicate well. And communication is so vital to a marriage, it is what helps provide connection or what can erode a relationship. Sometimes it truly can make or break a relationship. Time and time again working on your communication can really help with foundational work in a relationship to...